A common mistake for new homeowners is to take on a fence installation by themselves. It seems like an easy project, perfect for anyone with a DIY turn of mind but more goes into it than you may think.
Before you attempt to put up a fence on your own, ask yourself these questions:
- How deep should I set my posts given local climate conditions like wind and snow?
- What material will work best for the fence I need?
- What purpose will my fence primarily serve, boundary demarcation, security, pool, privacy, ornamental or a mixture of one or more of them?
- Do I have the necessary skill set to install the type of fence I want?
- Do I have the time it will take to get the project done?
- Do I have enough people to help me move materials and hold posts in place?
If you answer no to any one of these questions then you may be better off consulting a professional.
Hiring a Professional Fence Contractor may cost a little more than doing it yourself but it saves in other areas:
- Professionals do this type of thing every day so they can get it done in half the time it would take a DIY’er.
- Professionals do not make as many mistakes as a DIY’er so you save more on the costs of materials.
- You can ask a fencing contractor questions and use their experience to get the perfect fencing material for your home and your need. They will know what material to use if you live in a wet versus a dry area. They know what type of fence you need to go around your pool versus which type you would want to encircle a large piece of property.
- Professional contractors do research on local building codes before they do any work. You never want to build your nice, new fence and then have your local homeowners association tell you that it’s against the rules and must come down.
There is a lot more to building a fence then you may think. Don’t make the mistake of wasting your time and money by building a fence that wont last or even worse thats over your property line. Let the professionals at Natural Enclosures Fence Company do all the research and proper long lasting fence installation for you. Call 770.506.3222 for a free estimate and consultation today!
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